From now until March 6, you can participate in the launch of my new science fiction books, THE SYCORAX SERIES, by supporting my Kickstarter campaign. Go check it out!

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Behold the cover for the book 1 of THE SYCORAX SERIES, CALIBAN'S WORLD. The picture of Caliban was created by talented artist Santo Ibarra, and the cover was designed by Megan Hemmert.

Scientist and warmonger, Sycorax, created Caliban as a prototype for a genetically manufactured soldier. He exists as a failed experiment trying to find his place in an unforgiving world. Member Five is an alien intelligence trapped by Sycorax, another pawn in an intergalactic power play. Member Five strives to escape and free their people without losing their own essence. Both fight against a master they fear, afraid to lose what little they have.

About Caliban
Caliban was created by the scientist Sycorax as her first prototype soldier. When he doesn't live up to her expectations, Sycorax moves on to different versions. Caliban is forced to wrestle with his own humanity or lack thereof. Over the course of the first three books in THE SYCROAX SERIES, Caliban tries to find himself in an unforgiving universe that doesn't seem to want him to be a part of it. He yearns for acceptance fighting against the feeling that he may never find it. 

Find out more about the SYCORAX SERIES